Unit of Instruction

Unit Goals - There is one long-term goal: Our children will learn and apply healthier behavior in their relations with others.

Course Objectives
  • Maintain a daily checklist.
  • Describe in detail each of the 4 Horsemen (criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling), and how they harm relationships.
  • Build a thought journal.
  • Demonstrate successful application of remedy strategies for each Horseman.

Specific ways to relate goal(s) to curriculum - This is not school-work, therefore there is no greater curriculum that this relates to

Characteristics of the students for whom this unit is intended - the students are our own children. Each thrives academically and socially, none have special behavioral or learning needs. All are willing to learn.

Student’s Present Level of Performance and Knowledge - No previous knowledge or skills are required. The three oldest children are able to read, use computers and the internet.

Classroom Layout and grouping of students - The children will be grouped together in one group as part of our family, and learning will take place in our home's living room

Introductory procedures - The unit and goals will be introduced at the start of Lesson 1.

Materials and media - The following will be used: a) a TV b) internet c) this blog d) multiple youtube videos e) various handouts and graphics f) treats and tokens to celebrate victories in application of the material.

Visuals - 
1) The Four Horsemen Typograhy: to illustrate a "feel" for the words and help define them 
2) The Be Kind poser: to encourage application of remedies
3) The Four Horsemen Introduction: to introduce the concepts, so they can see what is being discussed
4) The Four Horsemen Remedies: to help teach the remedies
5) The Four Horsemen Thought Journal: to help track and evaluate progress
6) The Four Horsemen Remedies chart: to give additional help to teach remedies, specifically matching remedies to its corresponding horseman
7) The Happy Talk Checklist: to track individual daily progress
8) The Adventure Map: to "gamify" and help evaluate progress for the course

Assessment and evaluation of learner understanding -  
After Lesson 1, parents will be evaluating progress as a group by judging and discussing how the day has gone with the children, at the end of each day, and marking The Adventure Map with a type of "pass" or "fail" according to effort.
After Lesson 2, children will keep a daily tracking record, "Happy Checklist" to account for their behavior and application of what is being learned, that will be discussed at a minimum in each subsequent weekly lesson. This is in addition to the group Adventure Map.
After Lesson 3, children will also keep a daily Thought Journal to account for their feelings and feelings. This is in addition to the Happy Checklist and group Adventure Map.
After Lesson 4, each child will have a date with one of the two parents, who will discuss how the last several weeks have gone for them personally. Happy Checklist and Thought Journals will be reviewed.
Assessment instruments related to the outcomes stated in the goals - Assessment instruments directly account for, and make transparent, application of what is being learned for more positive behavioral outcomes.

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